Von Komplexität zur Klarheit.

Muster erkennen. Führung gestalten.

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Unsere Geschichte

Nach jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung als Top-Manager und Berater haben wir zueinander gefunden, weil uns dieselbe Leidenschaft und Ambition verbindet: Mit Organisationen die nächste Dimension ihres Business zu entwickeln.

Wir arbeiten mit Unternehmungen aller Formen und Größen, die die Art ihres Denkens und ihres Arbeitens verändern wollen. DNA Management Consulting arbeitet mit den Kunden daran, den entscheidenden Unterschied zum Bisherigen auszumachen. Wir arbeiten in einer vielfältigen Netzwerkstruktur als Berater, Psychologen, Technologen, Coaches, Moderatoren und Dozenten. Unsere Kunden haben sich für DNA entschieden, weil sie effektiver, anpassungsfähiger, krisenfester und letztlich zukunftsfähiger werden wollen.

Unser Profil

Wir sind Management-Berater mit einem außergewöhnlichen, internationalen Hintergrund. In den letzten 25 Jahren hat DNA Projekte und Transformationsprozesse in mehr als 50 Ländern auf 6 Kontinenten gesteuert. Diese diversen Erfahrungen, u.a. aus den meisten Krisenregionen unserer Welt, bringen wir in unserer Beratung mit wissenschaftlichen Ansätzen aus Organisationsentwicklung, Psychologie und Neurologie zusammen.

Unser Team

Joachim Döninghaus hat mehr als 25 Jahre Erfahrung als Management Consultant und Coach in den Bereichen: Internationale Organisationsentwicklung, Führungskräfteentwicklung und Strategieberatung. Vor der Gründung von DNA arbeitete Joachim 7 Jahre bei der Metaplan GmbH, Quickborn, das Beratungsunternehmen, das u.a. die Moderationsmethode erfunden hat. Sie profitieren von seinem internationalen Erfahrungshintergrund und seinem ausgewiesenen Prozess- und Methodenwissen.

Lenne Steinbeck verfügt über langjährige Beratungserfahrung in den Bereichen Strategieentwicklung, Struktur- und Kulturwandel, Team- und Führungskräfteentwicklung. Über 20 Jahre war sie als Führungskraft und Senior Professional verantwortlich in der Leitung und Beratung komplexer nationaler und internationaler Projekte und Organisationsprozesse. Mehrere Jahre hat sie im Ausland gelebt und gearbeitet, u.a. in Asien und USA.

Gerd Bührig arbeitet seit mehr als 30 Jahren in der Organisations- und Personalentwicklung in unterschiedlichen Funktionen und Rollen, davon über 25 Jahre bei der Bertelsmann SE. Er war der Motor bei der Etablierung der Bertelsmann Corporate University zusammen mit Partnern wie der Harvard Business School, IMD, MIT Media Lab, Insead und IESE.



Weil die Welt immer komplexer und unsicherer wird, müssen wir die anpassungsfähigsten Organisationen für die Zukunft entwickeln.


Wir brauchen Persönlichkeiten, die anpassungsfähig sowie resilient sind und so den Unterschied machen.


Organisationen sind komplexe menschliche Systeme. Wir unterstützen dabei, durch Transformation das Potenzial von Organisationen voll zu entfalten:
schnell | verlässlich | nachhaltig


Komplexität und Unsicherheit erfordert neue Führung, die in der Lage ist, Organisationen neu auszurichten, mit der richtigen Balance zwischen Fordern und Fördern.

Unsere Leistungen

Strategy Development

Wir unterstützen ihre Strategieentwicklung methodisch, mit fundierter Erfahrung und internationaler Expertise.


Wir planen und leiten Gruppen- und Denkprozesse in Transformationen.


Wir analysieren Denk- und Verhaltensmuster in Organisationen und zeigen auf, wo Veränderungen behindert oder gefördert werden.

Executive Coaching

Wir unterstützen unsere Klienten ihr Potenzial zu entwickeln und ihre individuelle Führungskraft auf das nächste Level zu heben.


Wir helfen Teams, bessere Leistungen zu erbringen, ermitteln Stärken und Schwächen machen eine effektivere Zusammenarbeit möglich.


Wir entwickeln Führungskräfte und helfen Führungsmuster zu verstehen und ihre Wirkung zu verbessern.

Unsere Referenzen

Unser Netzwerk

Wir verfügen über ein, über die Jahre gewachsenes weltweites Netzwerk von Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die zu den Besten ihres Faches gehören und in ihrer Art zu denken und zu handeln, den Partnern bei DNA menschlich und fachlich entsprechen. Mehr Informationen dazu gerne auf Anfrage.


Change while the wheels are turning

We had the privilege of working with the management of the world's best assembly line in the Aerotec industry in 2023. Pushing boundaries in a high-security environment takes courage, foresight and humour. What a great crew!

DNA is growing

Im Sommer 2023 hat Klaus Neureuther DNA verlassen, um eine leitende HR -Position in der Automotive Branch zu übernehmen. Lenne Steinbeck und Gerd Bührig inspirieren und erweitern jetzt das DNA Team.

New partner on board...

With the launch of our new subsidary dnanalytics.de , we welcome Thomas Geyer as new member of the DNA core team. Thomas is a proven expert in AI technologies and has successfully advised and implemented AI based methodologies in several international enterprise environments. He has an extensive entrepreneurial background in IT technologies and a proven three decade track record in C-Level advisory services.

Somewhere in the Pacific...

It took a while to understand the reasoning behind a European contribution to the young nation of Timor-Leste. Our humble support was a planning workshop in Dili. ... it makes sense.

être excité … a Cooperative EcoSystem

We have signed a Partnership Agreement with inov-On Expérience, a French company, that is focussed on digital and organizational transformation. We are supporting a „Cooperative Eco- system“, a fundamental transformation process led by inov-On, in one of the top 50 companies of Europe. www.inov-on-experience.fr

Outstanding Global

We are happy to annouce our cooperation with Nigel Hughes and his company Outstanding.Global. Celebrating diversity worldwide, Nigel and his team inspire leadership development with colourful artistic perspectives. Looking forward to the next joint adventure! See: www.outstanding.global

Successful restructuring

For 16 months in the Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO) role we led the debtor-in-possession's operation of its business and implemented a reorganization plan for a mid-size enterprise in the medical sector. The transformation was successfully managed focusing on financial stabilization, mindset change and organizational development. We are pleased to announce: mission accomplished!

Above the roofs of Berlin

Exiting workshop with a management team of the most relevant European Mobility company on FUTURE, trying to connect the many dots from Climate Change to the cultural need of travelling, from Next Gen to New Work, from Quantum Computing to Virtual Leadership … mind blowing! together with Gerd Bührig, faculty member of FUTUR/IO. 5/19

We transform as well…

After 15 years of great partnership, Dr. Hans Walker retired as named partner this summer. Klaus Neureuther took his place. Hans will stay a close friend and mentor. He is still active as a coach, so if you would like to get in contact with this extraordinary and in many regards well-travelleled man, this is his website: www.coaching-walker.de

Strategy consulting in Jordan

We had the pleasure of supporting a project that advises Jordan’s ministries and chambers on trade facilitation. We helped with developing a Capacity Development Strategy.

Leadership Development in Abu Dhabi

Taking on responsibility based on a common framework of meaning is the challenge with multi-national staff. We could contribute to this in the UAE.

Corporate Top Talent Programme in India

In thrilling Bangalore: Start of a new cohort in the Asia/ Pacific region for a major tech company. Pax from Australia, India, China, Middle East and Europe: what a potential, what a mixture and what an inspirational experience for everybody… 4/19

6 continents, DNA worked on projects in more than 50 countries...

At the end of 2018, looking on the last 20 years, counting back. We are grateful: we’re truly working worldwide. What’s left is Antarctica. Maybe conflict mediation at Neumayer Station ;-)

A long way ahead

We are very pleased to support a programme hosted by UN ESCWA in Beirut, Lebanon, with methods and experiences in multi-stakeholder-management. This programme is aiming at nothing less than inspiring a future Civil Society in Syria.

The Mastery of Inspirational Leadership

Bring it on stage! We had another 3 day-workshop with a management team of a Fortune 500 company at the Red-Grave Theatre in Bristol, UK.What an experience…

Health Management

We have formed an alliance with I.C.M.E. Healthcare . Successful and sustainable change in organizations need employees that feel taken care of. There are excellent corporate health management systems in Scandinavia and we are happy to support our partner in bringing these tested approaches to our customers.

The Mastery of Inspirational Leadership

Inspire yourself and others - Create better team working - Take productive risks - Have compelling conversations …these are only a few aspects that we consider to be crucial in leadership. In cooperation with our British partner, Nigel Hughes, we offer an intensive 2days experience. Nigel is an actor, a key note speaker and an experienced management trainer. This is for people who want to challenge their individual leadership potential and enhance it dramatically. To learn more about, pls. contact us.

More diagnostics for Development

For any development measure we need a validated baseline, therefore we have expanded our diagnostic portfolio with two more instruments: Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument HBDI® and Strengthscope®.

Emotional Intelligence EQi 2.0

The MBTI® and EQi® assessments are two of today's most powerful tools for leadership development, organization development and personal development. We offer you both diagnostic instruments to get the data that helps you to understand the need for change in your organization and / or in yourself.

Climate Change in Central Asia

One more exotic project in 2017: How to bring the idea of ecological meaningful forest management to communities in the high mountain regions of Kyrgystan? We are thrilled to have the chance to contribute to this International Climate Initiative. If you like to learn more about it, pls. contact us.

RE-Invent: “Cooperate goes Start–up”

We have been commissioned to design a programme for a multinational company that should inspire an re-organization process which is aiming at restructuring hierarchical structures towards more self-steering to master an increasing complex environment. In this programme we collaborate with some very promising Berlin start-ups.

Corporate Top Talents in China

For the third year, we are supporting the Corporate Top Talent-Pool of a large corporation. This year we will conduct various workshops to strengthen this group of very ambitious managers in Europe and for the first time in China.

Visualization of Workshops

Inspired by the Royal Society of Arts – Animate, we’ve managed to bring one more partner on board, Ralf Haake. Ralf is an experienced consultant and an artist capable to visualize a workshop simultaneously. The results are amazing and prove that ”A picture tells more than a thousand words”.

Pro bono: Refugees

Touched by the squalor of the refugees coming to Europe in 2015 and being convinced that people need support in their home regions to prevent an even bigger mass exodus, we are accompanying a project that will hopefully contribute to the stabilization of a refugee camp in Jordan. The plan is to build a health center and the necessary infrastructure with involvement and training of people in the camp.